Product Information Notification (PIN): Update to Impinj Multi-Pack Shipping Label for Readers and Single Pack Shipping Label for Gateways

As part of our continuous improvement process, Impinj will implement new shipping label designs for both the multi-pack box (max. 6 single-pack boxes in each packaged box) on Reader products and the single-pack box on Gateway products. This improvement will prevent mislabeling by providing a visual differentiation between multi-pack and single-pack Reader/Gateway shipments.

There is no change to the form, fit, or function of the product. The label has the same paper and adhesive and was previously qualified.


Note: For readers, the shipping label for the single-pack (max. 1 pc in each packaged box) will not change.

New Label (Multi-pack only) Original Label



Note: For gateways, the shipping label for the multi-pack box will not change.

New Label (Single-pack only) Original Label


The new labels will be introduced starting July 3, 2023. Customers will continue to receive packages with the original labels until inventory is depleted.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your Impinj account manager or the Impinj support team at

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