Monza 5 Tag Chip Datasheet


Monza 5 has reached End of Life and is not recommended for new designs. Replacement is the Monza R6-P. Please see the Impinj Monza 5 Conversion Application Note to transition designs to the Monza R6-P.


The Monza® 5 UHF RFID tag chip is optimized for serializing items such as apparel, electronics, cosmetics, documents and jewelry. It delivers unmatched read reliability for effective RFID business systems and record-breaking encoding performance to enable the lowest applied tag cost. The Monza 5 tag chip joins the Monza tag chip family, which is regarded as an industry leader in reliability, consistency, flexibility and Gen 2 & ISO-18000-6C compliance.


  • Superior read sensitivity of up to -20 dBm with a dipole antenna, combined with excellent interference rejection, delivers exceptional read reliability
  • Industry leading write sensitivity of up to -16 dBm with a dipole antenna for unparalleled encoding reliability
  • Industry-leading memory write speed enables encoding rates of over 3000 tags/minute and low applied tag cost
  • Up to 128 bits of EPC memory with 32 bits of User memory
  • 48 bits of Serialized TID
  • EPCglobal and ISO 18000-63 compliant, Gen2V2 compliant.
  • FastID™ mode enables 2x to 3x faster EPC+TID inventory for authentication and other TID-based applications
  • TagFocus™ mode suppresses previously read tags to enable capture of more tags
  • Scalable serialization built-in with Monza Self-Serialization
  • Reduced manufacturing variability via a patent-pending repassivation later
  • Extended temperature range (-40 degrees C to +85 degrees C) for reliability in harsh conditions
  • Impinj’s field-rewritable NVM, optimized for RFID, provides 100,000-cycle or 50-year retention reliability
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