The Octane SDK Java is compatible with various Java IDE(s). The Setup tasks include:
- Importing the Octane SDK .jar file into your favorite IDE
- Setting up your IDE to build the sample files
- Passing the hostname property to the sample applications from the IDE
- Running the sample applications
How to setup Octane SDK Java with Netbeans
- Download and install netbeans from
- Download Octane SDK for Java from
- Extract OctaneSDK-<version> to a folder.
- Create a new project in NetBeans
- Select File->New Project. Select Java application and press Next.
- Provide a project name, Location, and press Finish.
- Now edit the project’s properties by right clicking on the project and selecting Properties.
- Select the Sources Category Press the "top" Add Folder… button for the Source Package Folders:
- Select the samples folder and press OK.
- Now, in the Properties dialog select Libraries in Categories and then Press the Add Jar/Folder button.
- Select OctaneSDKJava-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar to add to your project and press Open.
- Select the Run Category and add the speedway or xarray hostname that you want to run your sample applications on. For example, I put “-Dhostname=speedwayr-11-49-77” under VM options. Your hostname will be different. Press OK.
- Now test the ReadTags sample. Make sure that you set Main Project to Octane56 by right mouse clicking on Octane56 and selecting set as Main Project.
- Run the Read Tags example by right mouse clicking on and pressing Run File.
- You should now be able read tag(s) that are in the field of view.
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