The Impinj OpenAPI file describes the Impinj IoT Device Interface methods and properties available on the Impinj R700 series readers. Available in YAML and JSON formats, it can be used to generate both API documentation and application clients when accessed with an OpenAPI-compatible utility.
Viewing the Spec
Numerous utilities such as SwaggerHub, Postman, Insomnia, IntelliJ IDEA, and others can generate API documentation from an OpenAPI file. The following steps detail how to use SwaggerHub to generate the API documentation for the Impinj reader's IoT device interface using the reader's JSON or YAML format OpenAPI file.
- If you don't already have a SwaggerHub account, visit the SwaggerHub link and create a personal free-tier account on the platform. Otherwise, log in using your existing account.
- Click the 'Create New' link, then 'Import and Document API.'
- Select a locally downloaded copy of the OpenAPI file in JSON or YAML format and click 'Upload File' to upload it to your account.
- On the next page, specify the name and version of the imported API, then click 'Import Definition.'
- Once the API documentation has been created, you may view the spec's methods, properties, and objects using the SwaggerHub web user interface.
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