Octane SDK Installation Instructions

This page explains how to install the Octane SDK for .NET and the Octane SDK for Java. 

             Additional Octane SDK information can be found on the Octane SDK Product Page.

Click the tabs below to read how to install the Octane SDK .NET and Java versions of the library.

Octane SDK .NET Octane SDK Java

Octane SDK .NET

Firmware Version 6.4.1 7.6.1
Octane SDK .NET 3.0.0 5.0.0

Note: Octane SDK .NET 4.0.0 requires .NET 5.0.

Note: Octane SDK .NET 5.0.0 requires .NET 8.0

Starting with the Octane SDK .NET version 2.26.1 and LTK .NET version 10.26.1, Impinj is providing these libraries via NuGet.org. NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform.

The .NET SDK supports .NET Standard 2.0 for which .NET Core 2.0 is a popular runtime.

The examples showing how to use the library are included with the library package.
Class reference documentation in html form is also included in the library package.

In order to download the latest Octane SDK .NET and LTK .NET, choose a method and follow the steps outlined below.

  • Method 1: Download libraries directly from Visual Studio
  • Method 2: Download libraries via web browser


Method 1: Download Octane SDK and Impinj LTK libraries directly from Visual Studio

Note: If your Visual Studio is older than 2012, please upgrade to the latest version or use Method 2.

1) Launch Visual Studio and open your current SDK or LTK project. If this is the first time downloading the SDK or the LTK, create a new project in Visual Studio.

2) In Solution Explorer, right click on the project name and select Manage NuGet Packages...

3) In the next page, click on Browse at the top left corner, enter "impinj" in the search field, and press the Enter key.


You will see the Octane SDK and the LTK packages, such as below.


4) Click on the library you want to download. The Install button becomes activated on the right. You can confirm the contents of the package, as shown below.


Note:  Make sure to check Dependencies (in the red rectangle above) before you install the Octane SDK or the LTK.

In this example, the Octane SDK requires .NET framework 4.6.1 or newer. If your current project is using .NET framework that is older than 4.6.1, you may receive an error as below.


If you receive an error similar to the above screenshot, you will need to change your project's Target framework to 4.6.1 or newer.

5) Click the Install button to start installation.

6) You will be asked to accept the license terms. Review the license then click the I Accept button to proceed.


7) When successful, you will see a message similar to the following screenshot in the Output window:

Successfully installed 'OctaneSDK x.xx.x' to 'your_project_name'


Note: Now that you have installed the library, you can navigate to the packages folder

- You can find the packages folder beneath your home folder, open folder .nuget. 

- Then open the octanesdk folder and open the version folder you selected.
- Load the example package into Visual Studio so you can run them if that was what you were intending to do.

Changing Project's Target Framework

1) In the Solution Explorer, right click on your project name and select Properties.

2) Select Application in the left column.

3) In Target framework dropdown, select .NET Framework 4.6.1



Method 2: Download Octane SDK and Impinj LTK libraries via web browser

If you want to download the Octane SDK Nuget package without Visual Studio to obtain the libraries, sample code, and documentation, you will need to download the following 3 packages:

  • Octane SDK package
  • LLRP LTK.NET package
  • SSH.NET package

Note: If you use Visual Studio, we recommend that you use method 1 above.

To download these packages, follow the steps below.

1) Visit the Impinj NuGet page and click OctaneSDK link. Octane SDK package page opens.


2) Click the Manual Download link in seciont "Info" to download the nupkg file (e.g. octanesdk.2.28.0.nupkg) to your computer.


3) On the same page, click on SSH.NET link under Dependencies section. SSH.NET package page opens.


4) Click the Manual Download link in section "Info" to download the nupkg file to your computer (you may choose to download newer version of the SSH.NET package, which is compatible with the Octane SDK).

5) Go back to the Impinj NuGet page page, and click the libltknet-sdk link. The LLRP LTK.NET page opens.


6) Click the Manual Download link in section "Info" to download the nupkg file to your computer.

7) Once you have downloaded all 3 package files, open the archives using 7-Zip or similar zip utility (e.g. 7-Zip is available on http://www.7-zip.org/).


8) Once unzipped, the content of the Nuget package should be similar to the following:







9) Copy the 'Docs', 'Examples', and 'lib' folders in octanesdk.x.xx.x.nupkg file into the desired folder on your PC.

10) Open the 'lib' folder, then open the 'net461' folder. Copy and paste the following 2 files into the parent folder (=lib folder), and delete 'net461' folder:
- Impinj.OctaneSdk.dll
- Impinj.OctaneSdk.XML
11) Open libltknet-sdk.xx.xx.x.nupkg, and open the 'lib' folder, then then open 'net461' folder.
12) Copy and paste the following 2 files into the 'lib' folder in step 10 above.
- LLRP.dll
- LLRP.Impinj.dll
13) Open ssh.net.xxxx.x.x.nupkg.
14) Open the 'lib' folder, then open the 'net40' folder.
15) Copy and paste the following 2 files into the 'lib' folder in step 10 above.
- Renci.SshNet.dll
- Renci.SshNet.xml

At this point, you should have something similar to the following:



Now you are ready to start using the latest Octane SDK .NET.

 Download previous Octane SDK .NET Releases

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