Reader/Gateway Firmware related messages and what they mean


The following tables provide additional detail on common messages you might receive when using Impinj Software.  If you encounter an error message not listed on the following table please contact our support team.

Follow the instructions in article How do I capture logging events from my reader? to determine how to acquire the logs from our Readers and Gateways.  Some of the messages obtained could be explained using the table below.

Note: Benign messages should be disregarded since they have no impact on the operation of the reader.

Reader/Gateway System Logs:

Action to Take
MC4: Insufficient keepalives, closing connection  The application that connected to the reader/gateway setup keepalives and Link Monitor Mode. This message says the keepalives were not responded to by the connected application and the reader decided to close the LLRP (5084) connection. Please check the connected application for why it did not respond to the reader's keepalive messages in time.
MC4: LLRP-OSM: Failed to validate ROSpec (-3177 - LLRP [420] : //RFTransmitter/TransmitPower : out-of-range) The Transmit Power Index is out of range. Please issue a Get Reader Capabilities call to find out what transmit powers (and indexes) are available for the reader you are connecting to. Using the values provided by the reader, please set the transmit power value (index) properly.

R_DeviceError : LLRP [685] : Insufficient PoE power allocation from switch

Reader believes there is not enough power.

- For a reader connected to a managed switch (with LLDP enabled), make sure power source is set to auto via rshell command "config system power source auto". This will ensure LLDP is running so that the reader has the best chance of negotiating for the power level we want from the switch.

Also make sure the switch’s power budget isn’t being overloaded - calculate 30W per reader when determining how many readers the switch’s power budget can support.

- For a reader connected to an unmanaged switch or PoE+ injector, the power source can be set to assume PoE+ by running the rshell command "config system power source poe+".

Also make sure the power budget for the switch/injector isn’t being overloaded - calculate 30W per reader when determining how many readers the power budget of the switch/injector can support.

enableAdvancedGpo failed, LLRP [4697] : //ImpinjAdvancedGPOConfiguration/GPOPortNum : out-of-range  The Advanced GPO Setting is out of range. Please set the Advanced GPO Setting to a valid value. Our readers only have 4 GPO ports: 1,2,3, and 4. Please set the port number to one of those.

mDNSResponder: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 101 (Network is unreachable) sending packet to on interface yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/eth0/2


Note: and yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy both represent IP addresses reported by the reader.

The reader's DNS and/or DHCP settings are probably not setup correctly.

Please check the DNS and DHCP settings of the reader.
Please check the DNS and DHCP servers to make sure they are setup correctly.

You can find the commands for DNS and DHCP reader operations here:

netconf: Failed to get OperatingRegion, using as sysObjId The region has not been specified.

Please connect to the Reader's WebUI (http://<reader hostname or ip address>/), specify the region, and click Update Region.

When instructed, click the "Reboot" link:

ntpd_intres[2780]: host name not found:


Note: represents some host the system is trying to access.

The reader's DNS and/or DHCP settings are probably not setup correctly.

Please check the DNS and DHCP settings of the reader.
Please check the DNS and DHCP servers to make sure they are setup correctly.

You can find the commands for DNS and DHCP reader operations here:

A client initiated connection already exists Another application is already connected to the reader on LLRP port 5084.

Please check the Web UI to determine from what machine the connection is happening from. If it shows "" you will either need to disable or remove the embedded application (e.g. Speedway Connect) running on the reader. Otherwise a client application or ItemTest will need to be closed to release the LLRP connection. You might be able to get away with a reboot of the reader to relinquish the control.

vmunix: INFO: task bottlerocket:252 blocked for more than 120 seconds.' The Octane Firmware is reporting Speedway Connect hasn't responded in more than 120 seconds. Increase the logging levels on the reader to enable Speedway Connect to output where it is getting hung up.  You can find the commands to do that here:
vmunix: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.' This is a benign message. Please disregard
MC4: MC starting' This is a benign message. It indicates the reader just rebooted.
thttpd[xxx]: bind - Address already in use' This is a benign message. Please disregard
linkmonitor: Failed to start GPS data retrieval over ethernet: Status='"'"'7,Unsupported-Command'"'"'' This is a benign message. Please disregard
MC4: Layer1: Unexpected FPGA timer expiry (non-critical) This is a benign message. Please disregard
MAC: error during RMII Initialization This message is normal when the reader does not have network connectivity (via Ethernet port).  Please disregard



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