Impinj sells endpoint products (e.g. Monza 4, 5, and 6, Impinj M700 series) in wafer format. In addition to shipping the physical wafer to our customers, we also provide an electronic "wafer map" for each wafer we sell. The wafer map is used when picking the wafers so that only the good die are picked. We provide several wafer map file formats. These electronic files are made available to our customers and can be downloaded from our wafer map server.
This article will step you through the process of how to access wafer maps for your Impinj endpoint products. We'll explain the two methods of retrieving the wafer map files from the server and provide troubleshooting tips for each method. The first method is using an Internet web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. The second option is using an FTP client application such as FileZilla or WinSCP.
Method 1 - Web Browser
As part of the order fulfillment process, Impinj sends a shipment confirmation email to our customers. When we ship wafer(s), the shipment confirmation email will contain server information as well as username for accessing the folders that contain wafer maps for that specific shipment.
Here is an example of the shipment confirmation email (with customer-specific details marked out):
Steps to retrieve wafer maps:
1. Open web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
2. Enter the HTTP site address from the shipment confirmation email into the browser.
For example:<company_folder> where <company_folder> is replaced with the specific value provided in the shipment confirmation email.
3. When prompted by the browser, enter your Username and Password. The Username is provided in the shipment confirmation email. If you don't know your password, contact
4. Once you've signed in successfully, you will see a list of folders. The folder names correspond to your PO numbers. The shipment notification email will contain the PO number for that shipment. Navigate to the folder with that name and click on the hyperlink.
5. The next sub-folder will show shipment dates associated with that PO. Click on the shipment date that matches the shipment notification email.
6. The final sub-folder contains all of the information relevant to the shipment. This includes:
a. Wafer maps (in 4 different file formats: BMP, EUMEL, IBIS, and UMC)
b. TID lists for all wafers in that shipment (
7. Click on the hyperlinks to download the files.
Method 2 - FTP Client Application
FTP client applications are the more secure way to retrieve your wafer map files. We are providing detailed instructions for two common FTP client applications - FileZilla and WinSCP. These programs are free to download. Please ensure you are using the program that is authorized by your IT team.
Download and install FileZilla
1. The latest version can be found here
2. There are a few different ways in FileZilla to connect to
a. Option 1 – Quickconnect (RECOMMENDED)
i. Upon opening FileZilla, you will find ‘Quickconnect’ settings in the top left corner
ii. Host:
iii. Username: <see shipment notification email for details>
iv. Password: <see shipment notification email for details>
v. Port: (BLANK)
• FileZilla will automatically try to use TLS while selecting the proper port for you
• If you are having issues, try Port 21
vi. Click ‘Quickconnect’
vii. Accept and trust the certificate warning for and click OK
b. Option 2 – Site Manager
i. Open FileZilla -> File -> Site Manager
ii. Click ‘New site’ and give it a name (i.e. ‘Impinj FTP’)
iii. In the ‘General’ tab, use the following settings:
iv. Protocol: FTP – File Transfer Protocol
v. Host:
vi. Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS
vii. Port: (BLANK)
• FileZilla will automatically try to use TLS while selecting the proper port for you
• If you are having issues, try Port 21
viii. Logon Type: Ask for password
ix. User: <see shipment notification email for details>
x. Click ‘Connect’ and enter your password and click OK
xi. Accept and trust the certificate warning for and click OK
3. Proceed with entering your provided username and password and then click Quickconnect
Download and install WinSCP
1. Download and install WinSCP
a. The latest version can be found here:
2. Upon opening WinSCP, you will be presented with a Login prompt
3. Please see screenshot below for the recommended connection settings
a. File protocol: FTP
b. Encryption: TLS/SSL Explicit encryption
c. Hostname:
d. Port: 21
e. Username: <see shipment notification email for details>
f. Password: <contact if you don't know your password>
g. Click ‘Login’
Troubleshooting tips for issues with web browsers & FTP clients
The FTP protocol is an older file sharing methodology and many modern web browsers are beginning to deprecate support for this protocol. If you are having problems accessing wafer maps in one browser, please try a different browser.
Other tips include:
- Ensure you are using the HTTPS address in your browser
- For example:<company_folder> where <company_folder> is replaced with the specific value provided in the shipment confirmation email
- You will may not be able to use a web browser to visit<company_folder>
- Clear your browser cache and attempt to login again
- If you are not prompted to enter your username and password, click the browser "refresh" button once
- Open a new "incognito" window or "private" window and try to access the FTP server again
- Use a FTP client application (instructions above) to access your wafer maps
- FTP client, WinSCP, will NOT be able to connect with ‘No Encryption’
- FTP client, FileZilla, will NOT be able to connect with ‘Encryption: Only use plain FTP
(insecure)’ - FTP client, WinSCP, can ONLY connect using the following encryption setting: TLS/SSL
Explicit encryption
Still having issues?
Please send an email to the Impinj Support team and we'll open a ticket to assist you.
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